Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunny Saturday

...and we're back.  In Puerto Cabezas that is.

Today (Saturday) was day 3 in Awas Tingni.  There was a lot of excitement as this was the day that the filters would be distributed to those families who attended the classes.

Tim led us in a great devo at about 6:15 am.  At this point most of us had been awake since 5 am (when the sun came up).  It was not too difficult to do this after going to be at 8:55 the night before. Not having electricity really changes our behavior!

Three ladies from Puerto Cabezas had come with us to cook.  They made sure that our food was handled and cooked correctly.  Preparing three meals a day for about 20 people sounds more than a little daunting to me, but multiply that by the factors of not having electricity or running water!  In short – they were amazing.  Preparations for lunch would begin almost immediately after the breakfast dishes were done.

All of the filters were in a black duffle bag.  I (all of us) hoped and prayed for a difference to be made in the health of the families who received them.  Through their lessons they were encouraged to share clean water with their neighbors.  The families selected to receive the filters were among the neediest in the community.  They were identified by Cipriano, one of the village leaders, who some of us met last year during our visit.  Jared is FB friends with his son!  

The training occurred in three separate classes – each taught by the newly trained teachers.  At the completion of the lessons and the assembly of the bucket filters, the students each were given a certificate of completion.  The pride on their faces was priceless.  Jared, Zac, and Janelle were so pleased to see their new friends receive this recognition.

Rachel, Tim, Eric, and Linnet occupied the kids during these final classes.  We then loaded the bus and headed back to Puerto Cabezas.  We were able to take much needed (and anticipated) showers and then spent a good bit of time singing worship songs and talking about our impressions of our visit.

It was a great day!


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